Our ThumbsGallery module extension allows you to easily create a simple and stylish thumbs gallery module in to any module position on your site. A thumbs gallery is an excellent way to showcase your images in an elegant and space efficient manner.

To set up your Thumbs Gallery module simply point the module to the image folder of your choice and the module will do the rest. The module will automatically create thumbs for each of your images, linking them to the original image in a stylish, easy to navigate lightbox.


Altmühltal Genetik
Zucht vom Aussterben bedrohter Haustierrassen
Thomas Züchner
Steindorf 38
​​​​​​​8862 Stadl an der Mur

E-Mail: info@vetishop.de
www: www.vetishop.de

Email: info@altmuehltal-genetik.de
Website: www.altmuehltal-genetik.de


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